
Sunday, September 26, 2004

Quality it is, then...

I'm a little slow. It has taken me years to realize that I, as an individual, have a substantial amount of control over the quality of my life, and a minimal amount of control over the quantity of my life.

Right now, this moment, I'm going to begin pursuing the quality aspects of my life. I've made up my mind...I'm going for quality over quantity.

And how will I do that? For starters, I have the choice of smiling or frowning, purposeful living or slacking, patience or rage, generosity or selfishness, encouraging harmony or generating disharmony. Gee, those are rather grand ambitions. Hmmmm?

I'd better start off slow here. Maybe I'll just let someone ahead of me in traffic tomorrow. As long as they don't look idiotic. Ever notice how bad drivers always look more idiotic than the ones who stay out of your way? Better yet, maybe I won't give any offending drivers the finger tomorrow.

At least I'm armed with the knowledge that I have control over my quality of life, and in the long run, I can extend that influence to those around me. Quantity of life issues are important when prioritized, but for me their place will always be secondary to my quality of life choices.

Back to the goodness. If you see a guy in traffic tomorrow with a facial tic, it's just me working on my quality of life issues. Don't worry, I'll wave you in the lane ahead of me and I'll keep my social finger under control.

Maybe tomorrow I'll talk about toe rings. That's gotta fall in the quality of life column!


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