Magnificently Persistent...
Tonight, I reviewed all of my previous posts, and I noticed a journal entry I made on May 31, 2006 about a remarkable individual. I knew this person then, and I know this person now.
I am happy to say that he is exactly the same today as I described him nearly two years ago. He is magnificently persistent in his treatment of everyone - regardless of their station in life. I count my friendship with him as one of the most profound events of my life.
Why? Because of the leadership qualities, personal integrity, and care for others that he has continued to display over the past two years by personal example. As I mentioned two years ago, he comes by those things naturally. I am continually amazed to this day. His leadership example has encouraged me to change my life, and has enabled me to find strengths that I never realized I had.
The joy he finds in living and his ongoing example of steadfast goodness towards all men and women have encouraged me to realign my purposes in life, to fulfill my own potential, and enabled me to be the strong person I am today. I feel good about myself today because of the influence this person has had on my life. He is unquestionably the most sincere person I have ever known. Others have made that same comment about him, and I am borrowing it from them, and confirming it here. It is indeed the truth.
By way of clarity, I do not want to become my friend. Rather, the example he has set for me has encouraged me to want to be me.
God love you D, your family, and all those who are dear to you.
All is well with my soul...
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