
Friday, February 18, 2005

The Internet - A Unifying Force

Today, while on break at work, I found myself in a conversation with a Christian who has previously told me he is quite opinionated, and a woman whose beliefs are somewhat New Age but slightly Goth. Odd break companions, I suppose. In any case, not one of us are even similar in our lifestyles or belief patterns. Yet, we all had an interesting conversation in which we agreed that we get our news from the "internet." Not the same URLs, mind you, but nonetheless the "internet." It was totally fascinating to hear each person describe their internet experience about how they acquire their news. Notably, all mention of the conventional media was absent.

I should make one distinction. The local news media in our city is exempt. They are not included in this commentary. My comments are directed squarely at the national media. I don't watch you. I don't like you,and I certainly don't trust you. While I can't speak for my aforementioned companions, I perceive they don't either.

Is a trend coming? I find it intriguing that the internet is replacing the conventional media as the conduit for finding news and "truth." It's simple enough. The common denominator is truth and trust.