
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Beyond Words ... but We Shall Overcome ...

The enormity of the ongoing hurricane disaster is beyond words. Emotions lie just below the surface. Tears flow unexpectedly, triggered by the slightest provocation. The pain is so incredibly great and the needy are everywhere.

Many of us around the nation were unscathed by the storm. For us, the challenges ahead tug at our hearts and beg that we hear and act. The still small voice inside each of us is speaking quite loudly tonight. In the last 24 hours, an encouraging display of support has risen from all parts of the nation.

In Houston today, over $6 million was raised by one telethon - $2 million of that given by ExxonMobil.

But, that's only a small fraction of what will be needed in the months ahead. There's so much to be done. Whether victim or helper, may God bless us all in our efforts and determination to rebuild. Somehow, the melody, "We Shall Overcome" resounds in my mind. Truly, we shall overcome.