
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Oh the things people say now . . .

Today, a bartender said to me:
"Better to run late than not to run at all."

Later, overheard in line while at the grocery store…
"It's better to be missed than not missed at all."

For me, I found the bartender's remark more appealing. I really don't have much concern about being missed.

Regardless, I'm always fascinated with people's conversations and comments. I'm including my own pontifications in that fascination, as well. I'm often surprised, sometimes shocked, at what comes out of my mouth. Often, my ego overpowers me from retracting things I've said that aren't really in alignment with the kind of person I want to be I don't like that at all. I want to be able to take back the things I've said that are harmful, that are demeaning to others, that are mean-spirited, that are negative, that are downgrading. The list of regrettable things I've said to others is endless. I seem to contribute to it daily.

Why do I want to take back the inappropriate things I say? Because of a deep-seated conviction that words contain the very seed of energy that is behind the creation of everything that is. All power lies within words. In the beginning was the word. I know, we've all heard that. I believe it ... perhaps more in a scientific way than a spiritual way. Matters little.

When spoken, words are like pebbles dropped in a stream. While pebbles create ripples in the water, words generate ripples in the universe that can cause endless harm – or good. At the end of my life, I don't want it on my performance review that I generated a critical mass of negative energy when all I had to do was keep my mouth shut, or consider well my words to others. Wow. I sound so self-righteous. You'd never know that a few hours earlier I called someone a lower extremity orifice or a procreating female canine. Not in those exact words either. I suppose I could take consolation in not having said those things to their faces, but just under my breath. But, that's the point. The fabric of the world is such that we are all connected, and accordingly that fabric is affected by all ill-chosen words. I need to work on this.

Since I haven't done very well in keeping my mouth under control, I guess I can find the heart to forgive our politicians. On the other hand, I wonder if they are aware of the need to choose their words carefully? What they speak into existence -- can and will –- affect us and our world forever. Just like pebbles dropped in a stream.

Maybe tomorrow I'll write about my concerns for archaeologists from the future! I always worry that they will find the ruins of our present day civilization and have not one clue what we were all babbling about. Hell, half the time we don't know what we're all babbling about -- and we're babbling a lot right now. Imagine some poor soul from the future trying to figure it out!



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