
Tuesday, May 31, 2005

And the beat goes on...

...and on, and on, and on.

I've been quiet for a bit, somehow. No particular reason. I just re-read my few random posts since September of last year to see if I could recognize any patterns or any progress being made in my life.

I did identify one bit of progress. I downsized my TV habit. I turned off my service with the cable company. Now I'm the proud owner of several sets of rabbit ears that are perched on top of their respective TV sets. It's a bit odd looking, but I'm able to receive one channel really well. As it turns out, it's my favorite channel. Life is good.

Speaking of life being good, a lightbulb came on last week about that. As I've said, I'm a little slow. For all of my life I've been thinking, "when things get better, I'll do this or that." So, it just dawned on me that things are "better." Right now, this very moment, they are better, and they've been at that status for quite some time. I spent so many years waiting on things to get better that I was asleep when it finally happened. Now that they are better, though, I feel a little guilty. Okay, a lot guilty. Hmmmm. I guess I'd better get back into this writing habit. Maybe it'll cause some more lightbulbs to illuminate my dimly lit brain .

G'night all.


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